How to Set up Successful Guest Wi-Fi in Your Restaurant

Setting up a dedicated guest wi-fi connection According to recent statistics, 77 percent of adults in the United States own a smartphone. Indeed, today’s digital journey has revolutionized the dining experience and, in turn, has impacted the way the restaurant industry must do business in order to stay profitable. As such, Wi-Fi has evolved from...

The Opportunities of Guest Wi-Fi in Quick Service Restaurant...

Quick-service restaurants have changed their game. From decor to atmosphere to meal options, more and more they have become modern places to hang out that offer healthy meal choices and a chic place to spend time. This change has also meant embracing technology. Guest Wi-Fi service has become a staple of QSRs for several reasons...

Boost Restaurant Marketing Initiatives With Guest Wi-Fi

Marketing, once a field dominated by print and magazine advertising – eventually growing to include direct mail, radio and television – has today morphed into a very different beast. In the digital age, social media platforms, email, and online advertising have all changed the relationship between customers and the restaurants they frequent. In turn, this...

The Impact of Wi-Fi Analytics on Restaurants

Customers are the lifeblood of any business. Data about customer interactions provides insights into the health of the business and also helps managers improve that health. Consider healthy restaurants. When they’re full of diners, the operation hums and the cash register rings. This is a heavy traffic situation. Restaurant traffic isn’t always heavy, nor is...

Why Captive Portals are an Important Tool for Guest Wi-Fi

If you’re like most of us, you welcome free Wi-Fi when you’re out and about. You connect in places like restaurants, airports, retail stores and coffee shops. Owners of establishments like this use Wi-Fi to encourage patronage. They know you have other ways to stay connected, so they need to ensure the Wi-Fi connection they...

Is your Guest Wi-Fi Helping or Hurting Your Business?

Look around any Starbucks, McDonald’s or Tim Hortons branch, and you’ll quickly realize that most people are connected throughout their visit. Some will be surfing on Facebook, others watching videos on YouTube, others may be working on their laptops and others still will be “Instagraming” their moment for friends and family. It goes without saying...

3 Ways to Transform Guest Wi-Fi Into a Future Business Gener...

According to, repeat customers spend on average 67% more than first-time customers. Customer retention is the key to long-term profitability, and strategically implementing guest Wi-Fi throughout your business can set you on the path to an increased bottom line while delighting your customers. How can you transform your guest Wi-Fi into a future business...

6 Myths About Guest Wi-Fi

As a business owner, you’re likely always on the lookout for new ways to enhance your customers’ experience. In today’s competitive market, this is increasingly important if you want to stay ahead of the game and turn a profit. That’s why more and more businesses are investing in free Wi-Fi for their guests and customers....

How Guest Wi-Fi is Reshaping the Financial Institutions Sect...

Banks, credit unions, insurance companies and other financial institutions in general have been leaders in embracing technology for core and back-office applications but have generally underperformed when it comes to retail banking and customer-facing applications. Things, however, are changing quickly. With the emergence of fintech, the massive adoption of smartphones, bank and insurance branches and...

Datavalet provides high-speed Wi-Fi network management to guest and staff across your business. We can transform Wi-Fi from commodity to business value.


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