A positive customer experience is the hallmark of any successful business. A positive customer experience not only results in building your repeat customer base, but also serves to grow your revenue, because let’s face it – a happy customer will talk about your business, promote your venue and attract others, without you even having to ask – and all, free of charge!

Let’s explore how you can optimize your customer experience and grow your business.

How Do You Create a Good Customer Experience?

A well-developed customer experience strategy will maximize customer retention, enhance customer satisfaction and grow your bottom line.

An effective strategy will need to consider a number of key factors: 

  • Consumer data
  • Competitive landscape
  • The marketplace
  • Your businesses’ mission & vision process

As you set out to define your customer experience strategy it’s important to consider the business/brand from a variety of vantage points and include insights from every departments in order to create a wholistic approach that truly delivers on all your company’s objectives.

The Importance of Free Guest Wi-Fi 

One of the easiest and most impactful things that businesses can do to instantly enhance the customer experience is to introduce free guest Wi-Fi. Indeed, whatever the business, offering guest Wi-Fi has today become the norm. Indeed, Wi-Fi is no longer merely a nice to have, customers have come to expect not only free Wi-Fi wherever the shop, hang out or dine, but they also expect it to be fast and seamless. As Shopify reports: 96% of customers today prefer shopping in stores that have Wi-Fi, while a solid 60% actually demand it and are prepared to walk out of businesses should they not have it. 

Personalise the Customer Experience

When it comes to building solid relationships with your customers, it’s crucial to treat them as individuals – learn their names, likes, dislikes and personal preferences to make them feel valued. Offering customers a personalized customer experience goes a long way towards turning them into brand loyalists and maximizing profits. Personalization in fact, has become integral to building a brand and is now considered a key driver of brand loyalty across all channels. 

How Else to Enhance the Customer Experience? 

  • Social and political practices 

Supporting social and political causes plays a large part in defining the customer experience. Studies have shown that 87% of customers would choose a brand based on the social and political causes it supports. Another 75% assert they would avoid companies if they did not agree with the causes it supports.

  • Donation management

An effective donation management system takes over all the grunt work associated with fundraising, as well as handles the planning, promotion and canvassing, saving businesses considerable manpower, while maximizing their fundraising activities, social visibility and donations and optimizing the customer experience. 

  • Rewards & loyalty programs 

Statistics tell us that 80% of consumers are more likely to choose a brand/business that offers rewards and loyalty programs over competitors and twice as likely to recommend it to others. So, developing an enticing loyalty program can play a huge part in enhancing your customer experience and increasing brand loyalty.

  • Employee satisfaction 

It’s a no-brainer – happy employees make for happy customers.

As Forbes tells us, “…companies that lead in customer experience have 60% more engaged employees, and study after study has shown that investing in employee experience impacts the customer experience and can generate a high ROI for the company.”

Optimizing the customer experience is pivotal to your business’ success. Not only is it the leading indicator to measure customer loyalty, identify customer issues and increase revenue, but it’s also one of the most effective ways to stay ahead of the competition.

 - Datavalet - Datavalet

Datavalet provides high-speed Wi-Fi network management to guest and staff across your business. We can transform Wi-Fi from commodity to business value.