Montreal, Quebec: In June 2022, Ecocert named Datavalet an official Eco Leader and provided the company with a Level 1 Eco-Responsible Certification. The award recognizes Datavalet for the improvement of its environmental policies and its focus on sustainable development. The company’s economic, environmental, social and transverse initiatives all played a part in why Datavalet was awarded this certification. 

“This award symbolizes our commitment to continuous improvement. We have a responsibility to develop sustainably and contribute positively to our communities” 

 Daniel Forest, CEO at Datavalet. 

To win this award, Datavalet created a Sustainable Development Committee composed of members from different departments across the organization. The Sustainable Development Committee was integral in earning this recognition. Without the committee, this would not have been possible.  

Datavalet remains committed to sustainable business practices and will continue to look for ways to improve. The company hopes to upgrade the certification in the future- there are four possible levels for the Eco-Responsible Certification. Datavalet will continue to work to pave the way for a sustainable future. 

About Datavalet

With a legacy dating back to 1998, Datavalet is a trailblazer in Managed Wi-Fi solutions. Partnering with local telecom carriers, the company serves large global brands across various industries such as retail, restaurants, financial services, healthcare, and transportation. Datavalet’s managed network solutions not only enhance connectivity but also empower businesses to extract additional value from their networks while adhering to sustainable business practices. 

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 - Datavalet

Datavalet provides high-speed Wi-Fi network management to guest and staff across your business. We can transform Wi-Fi from commodity to business value.