- Datavalet

Setting up a guest Wi-Fi in your restaurant is an excellent investment in the future of your establishment. Guest Wi-Fi is a must-have for businesses today, as they offer customers an easy, seamless experience, as well as important marketing opportunities for owners. Restaurants can benefit from offering Wi-Fi, as this technology is an effective way to create brand loyalty among diners, increase revenues, and improve staff productivity. Below, we highlight five important things owners and managers should know before implementing guest Wi-Fi in their restaurant

Guest Wi-Fi Can Help You Retain Diners

As we mentioned above, guest Wi-Fi can help restaurants and restaurant chains turn first-time customers into repeat customers and brand ambassadors. By offering Wi-Fi in exchange for personal information, such as name and email address, restaurants can send personalized ads and coupons to their visitors. Afterwards, a follow-up email can be sent to the diner, thanking them for their visit and offering another personal coupon for a return visit. In addition, restaurant staff can immediately start using the diner’s name, even on the first visit, making their experience extra special. Personalization during all stages of the customer’s dining experience elevates the level of service offered, making it more likely that person will return in the future.

Guest Wi-Fi Can Improve Your Operations

Another benefit of offering Wi-Fi to restaurant diners is that owners and managers can improve their operational efficiencies. For example, by tracking the number of customers logging on to
the Wi-Fi, a manager can determine which times of the day are busiest at the restaurant and staff accordingly. As well, the success of various marketing campaigns can be tracked, determining how many customers returned to redeem their follow-up coupons and after how many weeks. Various coupon offers can be tested, allowing restaurants to determine which offerings suit their
customers best and bring in the most revenue.

All of this information gleaned from personalized direct marketing is useful for restaurants looking to retain customers and increase their bottom line.

A Dedicated IT Team Is Preferable

Setting up and maintaining a guest Wi-Fi requires a dedicated IT staff who are knowledgeable and up-to-date on Wi-Fi standards. Restaurants with multiple locations greatly benefit from a managed Wi-Fi service capable of reaching and managing Wi-Fi for all of their locations. It is common for branches in remote locations to be left behind when it comes to IT infrastructure as they can be difficult and time-consuming to reach, and do not justify having their own IT staff. However, consistency across locations is paramount to a business’ brand and customer loyalty.

In addition, setting up the Wi-Fi network entails installing the hardware, such as access points, repeaters, extenders, and more, as well as troubleshooting any technical difficulties through proactive monitoring and a single-ticket helpdesk. If an enterprise comprises hundreds or thousands of sites, simply setting up the Wi-Fi network presents a logistical nightmare that distracts you from your core business

Setting Up a Guest Wi-Fi Service Can Be Expensive

As mentioned above, restaurants looking to set up guest Wi-Fi will require a host of hardware and software. Owners wishing to manage their own Wi-Fi network will see capital expenditures in setting up the system as well as maintaining it. There is also a time cost involved for the in-house IT staff, managers, and owners, who must keep up with Wi-Fi technology trends, industry knowledge, and various security issues that will inevitably crop up.

Outsourcing to a Managed Service Provider Will Allow You to Focus on Your Core Business

We recommend outsourcing your guest Wi-Fi system to a managed service provider (MSP). MSPs are in a position to benefit from economies of scale since they manage hundreds of sites for multiple clients, distributing fixed costs across multiple clients and geographies. For example, a centralized user helpdesk or a nation-wide network of technicians and spare depots. Not only can restaurants implement Wi-Fi at a reasonable cost with an MSP, but outsourcing the set up and maintenance of the service will allow owners and managers to focus on their core business, providing exceptional dining experiences to customers.


Guest Wi-Fi is a must-have for restaurants wishing to compete in today’s dining landscape. There are many important considerations to take into account for any business wishing to set up such a service. Above, we outlined five such considerations. Feel free to contact us to find out more about how Datavalet can help you transform your guest Wi-Fi into a business leverage that drives revenues and growth

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Datavalet provides high-speed Wi-Fi network management to guest and staff across your business. We can transform Wi-Fi from commodity to business value.


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